Security Rights Management for Lease Administration

2 min read
May 17, 2017
CoStar Real Estate Manager Blog

The ability to manage lease data securely is of the utmost importance for real estate teams.

For lease administration software, the ability to manage data securely is of the utmost importance. With the responsibility of not only managing the data, but also controlling the other end users, the administrator plays a crucial role in maintaining the security of the system. When looking for a software that is going to maximize efficiency while minimizing liabilities, one must make sure that the software is capable of managing users, maintaining data records, maintaining security groups, and running security rights reports.

As the administrator for a software that handles a high volume of critical data, the software needs to be able to easily control user’s access. With CoStar’s proprietary software not only can administrators disable and delete accounts quickly and easily for employees leaving the company, they can also add an unlimited number of user accounts to access the database. CoStar’s method of pricing based on number of leases instead of number of users gives administrators more freedom to let the information be accessible through multiple departments while still maintaining tight control of who can see it.

Another function that is important when choosing a software system is the system needs to have objects that are easy to find and control. In CoStar’s software any record can be searched by its ID, by name, through key terms, or even through filtering the database by various criteria. Once the record of data is created, CoStar’s software gives administrators the ability to see what users and groups have rights to the information and quickly change the security settings for any object. This gives the ability to have multiple levels of access for different information, which is important in keeping information secure.

Continuing on the topic of varied levels of access, CoStar’s software gives administrators the ability to change access levels for large groups quickly through the use of security groups. Instead of having to go through and change the security access for each user like in some software, administrators can quickly make changes to access levels of security groups and then add or remove individual users from the groups. These security groups add another level of convenience and functionality to help increase security while increasing efficiency at the same time.

The last security function that administrators need to look for when choosing a software is the ability to run different security reports. With CoStar’s software there are a number of security reports that can be easily run including a group and user history report, a group and user module rights report, and a group and user navigation rights report. All of these reports give different insights on the behaviors of the user and the security of the information in a way that is convenient for the administrators to use.

In conclusion, when choosing a software, the lease administrators need to find a software that has the functionality to maximize security while streamlining processes. Any potential software needs the ability to easily control users, objects, and groups in a way that increases regulation while saving time. The software also needs to be able to run comprehensive security reports to be able to protect the information. CoStar’s proven track record and ability to perform these crucial functions makes it the optimal choice for companies who value security.